Look around you at the people you know and do this little exercise. Simply look at a person’s life and accomplishments or lack thereof, look at their relationships and maybe even their economical state on the surface if you can. You most likely will find a good correlation in a person’s attitude, their outlook, beliefs, and actions with the circumstances in their lives. The thoughts of these people and the daily exposure to the books they read or don’t, the movies they watch, the news , their spiritual beliefs or lack of, even relationships all led to beliefs embedded in their subconscious minds. These beliefs then led to actions so even though they may be consciously unaware, they have attracted their circumstances.
Now look at your own life. You may say no way did I attract this life of mine. Maybe you have lived through failed relationships or have had debt just pile up. It could very well be that you were unaware of some detrimental programming of your subconscious. You may have had beliefs become a part of you at an early age or throughout your life that became a driving force for you where your own vibrations were not in harmony with the universe and subsequently led to an unfavorable condition. It is very possible that you focused intently on what you did not want and this in turn led to you getting more of the exact thing you did not want. This seems to be the little joke of the universe that whatever you concentrate on with a laser like focus , even negatively will become your reality.
Sounds simple to control. Well it most certainly is not. Most people cannot intensely focus on a single thought , idea or even an object for just 17 seconds without an unrelated image or thought popping in your mind. However, your mind and thoughts can be trained to reprogram your subconscious to attain your deepest desires and dreams.
Again this is not so simple. It takes learning the steps and repeated practice . You’ll need to recognize old unwanted negative programming and replaced it with positive thoughts and attaining your intended goals. Tools that can accomplish this for you are creative visualization, meditation and gratitude.
Creative visualization is basically consciously visualizing what you want as if you already have it or that it is your strongest intention. This can be accomplished through various methods as visual, auditory and kinesthetic .
In the visual method, the person sees images in his mind. When a person uses this method, they see pictures and watch the whole event play out in their mind with each picture or image representing something. The auditory method is based on visualizing with words and sounds. In addition to the images mentioned in visualizing a person generates sounds to cause the right emotion to surface. The kinesthetic method relies on a persons emotions playing a dominant role reinforcing the visualization image. The person will actually imagine feeling the results and what it would be like once they have whatever it is they want manifested.
Creative visualization that can change your live for the better! View this free video about successful visualizations,
click here and be sure to download an awesome free audio visualization tool , a set of mind visualization movies . Then make your own customized visualization mind movies to easily attain your personal goals with an absolutely amazing visualization tool,here
Choose one method that works for you and use it regularly. This is of utmost importance. This routine everyday is to train your mind and exercise your mind muscle so you can get used to it. After you are comfortable with one method, add another and then the third method. When you can practice al three regularly, you will begin to master creative visualization. A word of warning when you first start out, old images from your previous subconscious programming When you begin to visualize for the first time, and you see images come up in your mind , your previous subconscious programming may enter here and try to discourage you from continuing to see those images. Just ignore these voices inside you and concentrate on the new positive image only. With practice you will rid your subconscious of any old negative thoughts completely.
When you are in a state of gratitude, you are vibrating with the universe in a positive harmonious way and therefore whatever your event, condition, or circumstance you are focusing on will easily appear in your life. It is the unharmonious state that we want to avoid.
Meditation , lastly , is the best way to reprogram your subconscious. Once in the meditative state, you can reach the subconscious directly. You can communicate or even talk with your subconscious mind. Really, although it is often best to just relax and listen.
Meditation is a powerful tool and many very successful people use it every day with benefits as balancing you emotionally, mentally, and even physically, even having less stress, anxiety, depression and fewer mood-swings and more. Meditation can also go into your subconscious, find your negative blocks, and replace them with non-blocking thoughts that will help to advance your career,instead of hindering it.
Directing positive goal oriented thoughts into your subconscious mind on a long-term basis is what will bring you success as you define it. After all , you are the person thinking your thoughts , forming your belief system and creating actions that will manifest your desires.
Learn How to Create Your Own Future at the author’s website JustVisualizeIt.Today. Read More Online with Articles on Visualization, Law of Attraction, Affirmations, Creative Visualization, Manifestation, Vision Boards,Free creative visualization resources, plus download free mind movies and try the world’s number one visualization tool. visit today Click Here.
Leon Edward ‘s intention is help people awaken their inner potential, subconscious mind power and to make people aware of the unlimited power they were given at birth.
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